Gharieni RLX Aurasens

Experience Lounger

Go beyond the ordinary. Go where landscape and dreamscape converge.

Gharieni RLX Aurasens

Experience Lounger

Go beyond the ordinary.
Go where landscape and dreamscape converge.

Designed to be a distinct and  deeply immersive wellbeing experience, this luxurious lounger delivers the magic of music and pulsating haptic sensations, to elevate and transport you to another dimension.

Choose carefully curated experience programs or your favorite music to take you on a journey of altered reality.

The combined auditory and specifically targeted haptic sensors will leave the Wellness seeker wanting to come back again, and again.

awaken your senses

reconnect with your body, mind and spirit

take a needed reprieve from daily cares

unleash your creativity

rediscover the power of sound

find a deep relaxation or activate the energy within

The technology

The unique patented technology includes 28 transducers that are integrated into the lounger and controlled by the AURASENS module. The position of each transducer in the upholstery is marked with embroidery, to ensure the perfect position for the optimal transmission of sound and vibration.

Wearing headphones, you’re completely immersed in the sensations of the Gharieni AURASENS module while lying on the RLX Experience lounger. All programs are controlled with an iPad.

The technology

The unique patented technology includes 28 transducers that are integrated into the lounger and controlled by the AURASENS module. The position of each transducer in the upholstery is marked with embroidery, to ensure the perfect position for the optimal transmission of sound and vibration.

Wearing noise-canceling headphones, you’re completely immersed in the sensations of the Gharieni AURASENS module while lying on the RLX Experience lounger. All programs are controlled with an iPad.

Travel to a different landscape everytime, and allow your imagination to soar. Your journey has the power to

stimulate or soothe

provide stillness and awe

ease tired muscles

rejuvenate body and mind

emulate the thrill of a live concert or the ecstatic sensation of live music

– Composed Experiences –

‘Fire’ is recommended for those seeking relief from muscle tension. It is also designed to activate and tap into the vastness of passion to ignite your power from within, and boost your energy levels.

The element of ‘Fire’ as experienced via the Gharieni Aurasens is one of stimulation and invigoration. ‘Fire’, as it is heat, light and ultimately transformation.

Gharieni Aurasens Experience Lounger replicates the element through unique and understated sound, accompanied by pleasurable vibrations in varying intensities moving under you in pendulum like movements to achieve balance, restoration and the gateway for transformation.

‘Fire’ is a powerful journey that leaves you feeling enlivened and energised and has the ability to transport you to another time and place through sound and vibration.

‘Water’ is recommended for those seeking deep relaxation and emotional healing.
Experience the caress of gentle waves, the trickle of raindrops down your back, the incomparable healing properties of the ocean. Water cleanses, clears and always finds its way to source.

‘Water’ is the sensation of bubbles rising to meet your limbs, arms, and torso at varying intensities to simulate a feeling of immersion from the safe haven of the lounger.
Waves lap at your skin while a gentle gong reverberates focusing your mind on the present.

Achieve tranquillity with the soothing sound of water in all its forms and the accompanied sense of multilayered touch.

‘Water’ is simply serenity itself.

‘Earth’ is recommended for the achievement of increased balance and physical energy.

 ‘Earth’ is an opportunity to ground yourself and helps to relieve mental stress and center you with a increased sense of embodiment.

Percussive music combines with rumbling sensations that cascade down the body like tumbling stones, this program is composed to ignite various parts of the body simultaneously with differing effect. Vibrations are the very building blocks of the universe, ‘Earth’ emulates creation and expansion through vibrating movement with a deep intensity, for an entire body experience.

‘Earth’ is a deeply pleasurable and enlightening experience.

‘Air’ is recommended for those seeking mental clarity and physical restoration.

 Embrace the lightness of being at one with ‘air’. Experience yourself as a blade of grass, or a leaf on a branch moving in the breeze. ‘Air’ provides a lightness of being that is unachievable in daily life.

The mental properties associated with  ‘Air’ will inspire your imagination and creativity whilst the physical sensations stimulate the entire body with particular attention to the acupuncture pressure points in the lower back and limbs.

‘Air’ is a journey through landscapes of mountains, valleys, deserts and oceans – go there with  the Gharieni RLX Experience lounger.

– Composed Experiences –

Unlimited and personalized experiences

The Gharieni AURASENS Lounger offers an ever-expanding catalogue of exclusive composed experiences designed specifically for wellness.

Conversely you can choose to connect your chosen music streaming service for unlimited experiences. Utilising its proprietary artificial intelligence software, the Gharieni AURASENS lounger elevates your favourite music with stimulating touch.

The ability to create your own soundtrack or offer artist composed experiences is unique to the Gharieni AURASENS Lounger.

Unlock the ability to inspire, heal, and release well-being enhancing endorphins with vibration.

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